Monday, October 15, 2007


Silverchair's latest music video

Good to see more and more people getting into Elke Kramer's jewelery... First NYLON mag picked up on it, then M.I.A. was seen wearing it around... (we still have some pieces from the summer collection M.I.A. is wearing - now discounted, ask if you're interested).

we love M.I.A.

Now Daniel Johns of Silverchair is wearing Elke's black fan-fare necklace on the band's recent music video "If You Keep Losing Sleep". (Limited stock left in store...)

Go to You Tube to get a better look of the necklace, but those with slow internet bandwidth are always welcome to visit our store. Trust us, some things look better in real life.

Elke Kramer Jewelery is available exclusively at 707 Kemang. Ah, life on the edge feels good.