Thursday, October 19, 2006


A couple of shots of the 707 x Darbotz T that we produced for the SBTG event. The T has a Darbotz graphic on the front printed in a dirty white with different types of inks used for different parts. When you wash the shirt, the grey 'splatters' will fade faster than the rest. Interior has a 'black on black' print with a Tribe Called Quest quote, and all internal stitching is in 707 pink. In addition the date of the event is embroidered in black thread on the back lower corner of the T...

Even the cut of the shirt is custom to a pattern from 707 designers - nothing but the best, nulli secundum baby... Glad to see that people appreciated the cost and effort of producing this T, they sold like hotcakes on the day (although the fact that every buyer is automatically entered into a draw for a free pair of SBTG Dunks might've helped).