Sunday, October 29, 2006


I guess technology affects everything. Even balls. After 35 years of using traditional leather basketballs, the NBA has now changed to using a brand new microfiber ball by SPALDING which is already producing some serious backlash from the players.

One of the traits of the 'old' leather balls was the slight variations between one another. The new balls are allegedly all identical. They only look slightly different, a brighter orange and only two interlocking panels, but it's the 'velvet' texture that is producing controversy. Supposedly it's slicker when wet, harder to handle and gives a slightly different bounce.

We haven't handled one yet, but Stephen Marbury of the Knicks already griped that "the new balls all feel the same - they all feel bad", and Shaq has grumbled; "it feels like one of those cheap balls you buy at a toy store".

Our take? Sad to see the traditional ball go, but good players will still be good, bad players will still be bad. You don't see street ballers bitching about the ball - give them a big rock painted orange and the good ones will still dunk your ass.