Sunday, July 16, 2006


Saw this Rube Goldberg style 'health centre' during our latest visit to MUSTAFA's in Singapore. For 10 Sing dollars ('Special offer! Reduced from $50!') they'll put you inside while jets on rails slide back and forth firing at your body, supposedly massaging you. In order to prevent you getting wet, they put you inside some sort of plastic body bag first (great for claustrophobics). Then in a brilliant move sure to enhance the relaxing effect, Mustafa's has positioned the contraption near a store entrance in the middle of the pharmacy section, so you simultaneously get to be ridiculed by a constant stream of shoppers.

N.B. For those that don't know, MUSTAFA in Little India in Singapore is one of our favourite department stores anywhere in the world. It takes up two full city blocks (linked underground), sells everything from plasma TV's to cars, has its own travel agent, money changer, Singapore Post Office branch, super-low (and haggle-free) pricing and is open 24 HOURS A DAY.